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Autumn Bray Missing Person: Goldsboro NC, Help Find Missing Autumn Bray

Feb 28, 2024
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Autumn Bray Missing – A recent incident at Wafu Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar in Goldsboro, North Carolina, has brought to light issues of racism, customer service, and the broader challenge of combating hate speech. The story revolves around a customer, Autumn Bray, who left a racist note on a receipt, sparking controversy and shedding light on the persistence of racial bias. This account explores the aftermath of the incident, the restaurant owner’s response, and the community’s rallying support.

The Incident Unfolds:

On a seemingly ordinary Saturday, Autumn Bray dined at Wafu Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar in Goldsboro. However, her experience took a troubling turn when she left a receipt with a racist note containing obscenities and omitted a tip. The receipt quickly went viral on Facebook, drawing attention to the discriminatory language used by Bray.

Autumn Bray’s Follow-Up:

In response to the uproar, Bray took to Facebook to share her frustration with the service at the restaurant. However, restaurant owner Xin Lin dismissed Bray’s follow-up post, considering it insincere without a direct apology to his employees. Lin emphasized the need for genuine remorse and a commitment to avoiding harm to others.

Xin Lin’s Perspective:

Xin Lin, the owner of Wafu Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar, expressed his disappointment and frustration with Bray’s actions. Lin highlighted the importance of a direct apology and disapproved of the “excuses” included in Bray’s post. Notably, Bray was not a first-time customer; she had previously worked at the restaurant when it opened in January 2023, leaving abruptly after a short stint.

Facing Asian Hate:

Lin, who has been in the restaurant industry for about 12 years, acknowledged that incidents of hate speech against Asians are not uncommon. He revealed that this incident was not the first of its kind, emphasizing the prevalence of such occurrences amid a backdrop of increased Asian hate crimes and speech nationwide.

Limited Actions and Police Involvement:

Despite Lin’s efforts to address the issue, he noted the limitations in taking legal actions against Bray, as the offensive message, while deeply hurtful, did not constitute a criminal offense. Lin informed the police about the incident but acknowledged the challenges in pursuing legal avenues.

Community Response:

In the wake of the incident, the Goldsboro community rallied behind Wafu Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar. Customers, like Quatisha Tucker, traveled from nearby towns to support the restaurant. Tucker highlighted the warm atmosphere, delicious food, and the importance of standing against racist behavior. The community’s response demonstrated a collective rejection of hate speech and a commitment to fostering an inclusive environment.

Owner’s Pride in Community Support:

Xin Lin expressed his pride and gratitude for the community’s overwhelming support. He acknowledged the community’s recognition of the wrongness of such actions and their collective stand against racism. The outpouring of support from patrons showcased the strength of unity in combating hate and prejudice.

The incident at Wafu Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar serves as a poignant reminder of the persistent challenges posed by hate speech and racism. Xin Lin’s firm stance, the community’s support, and the spotlight on combating discrimination underscore the need for continuous efforts to foster inclusivity and stand against prejudiced behavior. As Goldsboro rallies behind Wafu Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar, the story becomes a beacon of hope for a community that refuses to tolerate hate.

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