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March 15, 2025

Hettie Hare Obituary, Death, A Life of Love and Laughter

Mar 14, 2024
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Hettie Hare Obituary, Death – The passing of Bertie LaDuke, a longtime Westie owner and supporter of the Wescue organization, took place this week, and the Westie community has suffered the loss of a close friend.

We are unable to recall a time when Bertie did not own a Westinghouse. We are unable to recall any moment in time.

The people who were her pals were Westies from all over the world, and she was always happy to lend a grin or some words of wisdom to anyone who was in need of them.

We would like to extend our most sincere sympathies to Bertie’s family, particularly young Sophie, whom she adopted from us a few years ago.

Sophie is a part of the family who is held in high esteem and will continue to reside with them. A link to the obituary, which contains information about the funeral service, can be found in the comments section of this post.

Bertie’s family requests that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be donated to the organization of her choosing. They believe that this would be more fitting.


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