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Obituary, Death: Jessica Coleman, who had been fighting cancer, passed away in Frankfort, Kentucky

Mar 16, 2024
Spread the love

The valiant battle against cancer that Jessica Coleman fought to the very last was ultimately unsuccessful, and she passed away. The warmth of her smile and the generosity of her personality were contagious. The presence of this person had a significant impact on each and every person with whom she engaged.

The legacy that she leaves behind will be carried on by her three kids, who are great children who are also beautiful, bright, and compassionate.

In addition, she was employed by the Central Office and worked for the Anderson County School system as a teacher and coach. She also worked for the district. The whole of her personality, as well as her religious beliefs, shone through in each and every instance. The personality she had was remarkable. You have the opportunity to make a contribution to the propagation of “Jessica Jesus Joy” by purchasing a handmade stave cross for the discounted price of $18.00.

The Coleman Crew will receive a donation of one hundred percent of the monies. There are three payment options available to you: cash, Venmo, or a check may be used. Within the Oak & Moore comment box, you have the option of either placing an order for a cross or crosses or sending a direct message to the company. On Saturday, March 16th, at noon, the deadline for placing an order is expected to have passed.

It has been said by the Anderson County Schools that a portion of each and every one of our hearts will go with her since our dear Jessica was nothing but pleasure. Due to the fact that our dear Jessica made each and every one of us feel like we were a part of her family, we grieve her passing with her husband, her girls, her sister, her parents, her extended family, and her friends. Because of the generosity that she showed to everyone, her passing is a loss that is felt by our whole community.

It was Chelsea, her sister, who asked us to remember her sister and to spread the message “Jessica Jesus Joy” wherever we go. Our dear Jessica would not have wanted it any other way.
We ask that you continue to remember her family in your prayers and thoughts. The arrangements for the visitation and the services are still being made, and information will be sent to you as it becomes available. In the meanwhile, let us continue to offer her family our love and support by praying for them and showering them with love.

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