Geoff Byrne Obituary, Treasurer for RAR Has Sadly Passed Away, Funeral Detail – Death News
Geoff Byrne Obituary, Death – When we learned on March 6 that our Treasurer for RAR, Geoff Byrne (RAR Southern Highlands), had passed away, it was with a heavy heart that we communicated the news with you.
However, we are saddened to say that he had passed away. We were also saddened to inform you of the news that we had experienced. Geoff was a member of the RAR community who was held in very high regard by peers and other members.
In the week leading up to his passing, Geoff handed in his resignation from his position as Treasurer from the organization. He had just been working in that role for a week at that point.
The fact that he has consistently displayed qualities such as understanding, composure, and consideration throughout his time on the club is one of the reasons why his presence on the group will be sorely missed. Over the course of a specific number of years, he has been a part of the team for a considerable length of time, which covers a certain period of time.
We want Maree and his family to know that we are thinking about them and offering our condolences during this trying time. The fact that we are thinking about them and expressing our condolences for their loss is something that we want them to know.
Margaret Manning (CRAG) and Gregory Clark (Macedon Ranges RAR) are the two new members that have recently joined the National Committee, which is a committee that has recently just received two new members. The National Committee is comprised of both of these individuals as members.
Both of these persons are members of the National Committee, which is formed of committee members. We are happy about their entry into our already small crew, which is something that we are quite delighted about. We are overjoyed about their accession. We are quite excited about the opportunity to meet them.
Additional persons have the option to become members of the National Committee, and we are especially interested in receiving applications from those who are interested in taking on the role of Treasurer at this time. In addition to that, there is a chance that they will be appointed to positions on the National Committee.