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February 5, 2025

Garry Badgley Obituary, Resident of Randolph, Wisconsin, Has Sadly Passed Away

Mar 31, 2024
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Garry Badgley Obituary, Death – Our beloved Garry Badgley left this world peacefully at approximately 6 p.m. today, and we announce his passing with heavy hearts. When he started on his last journey, his beloved wife Marcia was there to support him and show him love.

Although everyone who knew and loved Garry will deeply miss him, the overwhelming amount of love and support shown to him during this difficult week is a moving reminder of the lasting influence he had on a great number of people.

For everyone lucky enough to come into contact with him, Garry was more than just a man—he was a lighthouse, a source of strength, and a rock of unquestioning support. His children received wisdom, direction, and unending love from their unwavering and committed father. He made them feel comfortable and happy, and future generations will be blessed by his loving legacy. Garry was a faithful friend who always made his friends laugh and feel like they were with him.

He was the real definition of friendship, whether he was telling tales over a drink at the neighborhood bar or offering support when things got tough. Those who were in his vicinity benefited greatly from his contagious laughter and kind heart, which left a lasting impression on their lives.

Respect and admiration were shown for Garry by both coworkers and colleagues. All who had the honor of working with him admired him for his honesty, diligence, and sincere kindness, which made him stand out. His unrelenting devotion to perfection and his devotion to his craft inspired everyone, leaving a lasting legacy of integrity and professionalism. It’s true that everyone who knew Garry was made happier by his presence.

He made a lasting impression on the world around him with his kindness, generosity, and unending compassion, touching many hearts. His spirit endures in the memories we cherish and the lives he touched along the way, even though he may no longer be with us.

While we lament our friend, father, and coworker’s passing, let us find comfort in the knowledge that Garry’s loving and compassionate legacy will endure, illuminating our path through the dark and serving as a constant reminder of the enormous influence one man can have on the world. Although everyone who had the good fortune to know him will mourn him greatly, his spirit will endure in their hearts.

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