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Hannah Fields Obituary, Family & Friends Mourn The Passing Of A Beloved Soul

Apr 2, 2024
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Hannah Marie Fields Obituary, Death –Hannah Marie Fields, who was 25 years old and a native of Auburn, passed away on Saturday, March 30, 2024. Her death occurred on that day. Hannah Fields was born to Stephanie Nicole Lee Fields on April 30th, 1998 in the city of Kendallville, Indiana, in the United States of America.

The Fields family, specifically her grandfather and grandmother, Billy and Peggy, had a significant role in her upbringing. Hannah’s daughter, Eliza, was the object of her affection, and Hannah adored her with all of her heart. She attended worship services with her church family with great joy when she was in Wolcottville, where she was a member of the Liberty Baptist Church. She took great delight in attending these services.

There are a number of people who will carry on her legacy, including her daughter, Eliza Louise Latta. The woman who is her mother is Nikki Fields, and she lives in Kendallville. Her sisters are Lillian Hamer, who lives in Kendallville, and Olivia Fields, who lives in Avilla. Both of them both dwell in Kendallville.
She is the granddaughter of her grandfather and grandmother, Billy and Peggy Fields, who reside in Kendallville.

Numerous cousins, including Uncle Billy and Tiffany (Mosley) Fields of Kendallville, in addition to other relatives to whom they are related. Her family on her father’s side includes Dustin and Stacy Hughes, both of Fort Wayne; Jaden DiGirolamo, of Kendallville; Alexander Green, of Fort Wayne; Anthony Green, of Fort Wayne; James Hughes, of Fort Wayne; and Mason Hughes, also of Fort Wayne. All of these individuals are members of the Hughes family.

Companion for a very long time, Jonathan Latta, who lives in Avilla…. Funeral services are going to be held at Liberty Baptist Church in Wolcottville on Friday, April 5, 2024 at eleven o’clock in the morning. The date and time of the services have not yet been determined. The funeral service will be presided over by her grandfather, Billy Fields, and the Parson family will take the lead in singing.

Her grandfather will also be participating in the ceremony. The burial will now take place once a certain amount of time has passed. Those who wish to honor the memories of the deceased may make contributions to the family. There will be a visiting from the hours of nine until eleven in the morning, which will take place before the funeral service.

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