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John Fielder Obituary, A Member Of Old Hickory Lake Bowmen Club Has Sadly Passed Away, Clarksville TN

Apr 2, 2024
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John Fielder Obituary, Death Cause – One of our very own archers, 1SG John Fielder, who was an active duty member of the United States Army and an Elite Archery Staff Shooter, passed away this morning. He was a member of the United States Defense Force. The news that we heard this morning was the kind of news that we would never want to hear, and it was the news that we received when we woke up this morning. The news has caused us to feel an overwhelming sense of bereavement.

John had a strong admiration for his family, his country, and the sport of archery. In addition to being a caring and sympathetic father, John held a profound admiration for other things. However, in addition to that, he possessed an unusual amount of enthusiasm for the sport. At the same time that he was an outstanding soldier, he was also an archer who held a high degree of skill and competency in terms of his shooting abilities.

He had one of the best levels of skill in the world when it came to archery.  Because of his infectious excitement and passion for archery, many of us have had the great pleasure of sharing a stake with him on a 3D course or sharing a dinner with him. This is because of his contagious enthusiasm and excitement for the sport.

His passion and excitement for archery were infectious to all around him. Archery will always be recognized for his admiration and enthusiasm for the sport. Each and every one of us who have been around for a considerable period of time has only ever had the opportunity to take part in both of these activities once. This is something that has been the case for both of these activities.

In light of the fact that John has been missing from the region for a considerable amount of time due to overseas deployments and numerous duty stations, he has only just recently returned to the region. In spite of the fact that John has been absent from the area for a lengthy amount of time, this is the case.

At the same time that we are mourning the loss of a fellow archer, a friend, and a soldier on this day, we are also mourning the loss of a little boy who has lost his father and a family who has lost a person who was very dear to them. On a profound level, we are affected by both of these losses.

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