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February 5, 2025

Travis Semmens Obituary, The President Of Bracknell Cricket Club Has Passed Away

Apr 2, 2024
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Travis Semmens Obituary, Death Cause – A state of astonishment and anguish has been experienced by the Legana Cricket Club as a result of the tragic news that Travis Semmens, who had been serving as the President of the Bracknell Cricket Club, had unexpectedly and suddenly left his position….

Not only are we keeping the members of the Bracknell Cricket Club in our thoughts and prayers, but we are also keeping the entire town of Bracknell in our prayers. In addition, we are keeping his family in our prayers and thoughts at this time. We are keeping the Bracknell community in our thoughts and prayers as they go through this challenging time.

He was an outstanding champion for the people who lived in the Bracknell community. The fact that Trav was able to play the role of a powerful advocate for the community in the Bracknell region was a really fortunate occurrence for the neighborhood.

As a result of the fact that our hearts are filled with sorrow for each and every one of these individuals, we would want to take advantage of this opportunity to offer our most sincere sympathies to each and every one of them. We shall never forget his unflinching love and enthusiasm for the Bracknell Cricket Club, as well as his courteous and sympathetic manner. They will remain ingrained in our memories forever.

We shall never forget the compassion and care that he showed us. We shall always and forever take his legacy with us, and it will be in our hearts forever. We will never forget the passion and energy that Trav had for the club, especially for those of us who had the privilege of competing against him or being in his company.

There is no way that we will forget it. It is something that we will continue to do for the rest of our lives, and that is not going to change. The fact that this is something that is going to take place means that we are going to remember it for the rest of our life because it is going to take happened. This particular facet of our existence is something that we will never be able to avoid dealing with.

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