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Cherished Member Of The Fall 2023 Class At The University Of Central Arkansas, Mandy Larios Passes Away

Apr 23, 2024
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The Delta Tau chapter mourns the sudden death of Mandy Larios, a beloved student of the University of Central Arkansas class of Fall 2023.

Mandy’s vivacious energy and dazzling demeanor created a lasting impression on everyone she encountered, not only in our sisterhood but also throughout the university community.

Mandy’s presence was a ray of happiness and camaraderie. She had the rare capacity to make everyone feel really noticed and immediately at ease because of her sincere warmth and candor, which characterized who she was. Her generosity was unlimited, her energy limitless, and her laughter contagious.

Mandy was not only a key member of our chapter throughout her time at UCA, but she also actively participated in many campus events, changing the lives of many people in the process.

A large group of friends and acquaintances that she touched with her constant smile and upbeat attitude are extremely saddened by her passing.

The Delta Tau chapter will have a memorial service this Thursday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the amphitheater outside the Student Center in remembrance of Mandy.

We cordially ask everyone who was acquainted with or fond of her to participate in this commemoration of her life, exchange tales, and offer mutual encouragement as we honor a life so exquisitely lived.

“Mandy lit up every room she walked into, without effort,” recall her sisters from the Fall ’23 class with fondness. Whenever she traveled, she managed to make friends along the way. She had a way of making new acquaintances feel as though they had known her for ages. Her joyful disposition and affectionate manner were unparalleled.

We shall all continue to be inspired and influenced by Mandy’s legacy. We express our sincere sympathies to Mandy’s family and reiterate our thanks for the brilliant, if all too brief, time she shared with us as we come together to remember her life and contributions.

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