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Former Executive Mayor of the City of Tshwane, Dr Murunwa Makwarela Passes Away

Apr 23, 2024
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Former Tshwane mayor, “apostle” and plant scientist Murunwa Makwarela has died. He was 52.

Tshwane metro council speaker Mncedi Ndzwanana confirmed Makwarela died on Tuesday morning.

“It is a sad day for us because we have lost an important person, a former speaker and mayor of Tshwane. Condolences to the family. It is God who blessed you with his life and it is him who has taken him,” Ndzwanana said.

Makwarela family spokesperson Adel Dube told TimesLIVE: “He was not well, it was a short illness and he was admitted to hospital in the early hours of this morning [Tuesday] but passed away.”

Makwarela led a Pretoria-based church, Righteousness of God Ministries, and shared daily motivational messages. His last message shared on social media on Monday was a scripture from the book of John, which reads: “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

“Saints, all believers hail from heaven but function on Earth. Earth is our post to fulfil the mandate we receive from God. Think about it, Jesus hailed from heaven to fulfil His God given mandate. Our mandate will also one day finish when the day of the Lord comes. We’ll all be transformed and be like Him and stay with Him forever.

“Jesus promised His disciples: ‘And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also”(John 14:3 NKJV). Let’s all win souls back to God so that one day we’ll all be together with our master in His heavenly Jerusalem. Glory to Jesus. Confession: My citizenship is in heaven. Christ in me is the hope of glory. As He is and so am I in this world, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Makwarela was the speaker of the Tshwane council from 2021 until he was elected mayor in February 2023. His tenure as mayor was short-lived and he was ousted after allegations that he submitted a fake court rehabilitation certificate to prove he was no longer insolvent to the municipality. He was out on bail of R10,000 after being charged with two counts of fraud at the Pretoria specialised commercial crimes court.

Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink said he was saddened to learn of Makwarela’s death.

“Whatever the difference we might have had, and the controversy of his tenure, I am saddened by his passing. I pray that God will comfort his family and bring them peace,” Brink said.

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