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Heamani Lavaka, Rugby Coach, Parkes, NSW, Heamani Lavaka Passed Away

Apr 23, 2024
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“Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our dad’s large and wonderful life. We can’t explain how much East Rugby meant to him. Emeline Lavaka stated, “Dad passed away yesterday.”

“He fought right until the very end and he was surrounded by so much family, music and love when he took his last breaths. Dad was incredibly peaceful in his last moments.”

“We will soon share details of Dad’s memorial. Thank you to everyone who has sent us messages of support during this time.

Your love is very much appreciated. Thank you to Edward Brenac and Matt McGann for being such loyal and kind friends to Dad,” Emeline added.

Forbes Rugby Union Club took to Facebook to express grief and wrote, “It is with a heavy heart that Forbes Rugby Union Club informs our Platypi Family and wider Rugby Community of the passing of one of our most cherished players, coach, friend and family member Heamani Lavaka.

“Heamani passed away on Monday, April 22nd, in the company of his loved ones.

Phil Prior shared, “It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that this great man Heamani Lavaka has left this great playing field; he has left us so many wonderful memories as a coach, father, friend , and to me, a true brother .”

“I have been so lucky to spend nearly 20 years of my life with this proud Tongan and have had the absolute pleasure of enduring the highs and lows of our great game,” Phil added.

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