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Gordon Sheridan Obituary, Former Program Coordinator At Cranbrook History Centre Died From Pancreatic Cancer At 52, Cranbrook British Columbia

Apr 3, 2024
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Gordon Sheridan Obituary, Death Cause – For the reason that Gordon died We are very sorry to tell you that Donald Sheridan has died, but we cannot help it. Before he passed away on March 18, 2024, Gordon fought bravely and bravely against pancreatic cancer for sixteen months. In the end, the sickness killed him. He had been alive for 52 years when he passed away. His family and friends were with him when he died in the hospital where he was getting care.

Gordon has passed away. He left behind his loving wife Rhonda and son Parker. He’s not with us anymore. He is survived by his sister Tanya Hoeflaak (Chuck) and brother Troy Sheridan (Trish). He is also survived by his sister-in-laws Alicia Porter and Krystal Porter, his brother-in-law Rob Porter (Kate), his mother-in-law Margaret Porter, many nieces, nephews, aunts, and uncles, and many fans and family members who loved him.

He was a family member who everyone loved. Douglas and Linda Sheridan, his parents, had both died before he was born. During the year 2017, Gordon and his family decided to move to Cranbrook, British Columbia, with the goal of starting new journeys and lives in the Kootenay District. Gordon was born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario. Gordon has always loved writing and has done it all his life. Along with these things, he was very involved in the theater, filmmaking, and educational projects in his neighborhood.

Our family wants to thank our amazing doctor, C. Shilhan, as well as the caring cancer staff at East Kootenay Regional Hospital, the hardworking nurses led by Justin, and the people who came to our house to help us. We’d also like to thank the people who worked in home care for their help. Gordon was saddened to learn that he had pancreatic cancer in November 2022.

He had to quit his job as Program Coordinator because of this. He has been brave and hopeful as he has dealt with cancer over the past year and a half. He died peacefully and quietly on March 18, 2024, a Sunday. It was his family and close friends who were with him when he died. Gordon made a difference in the community. He was an important part of the Cranbrook community and ran our programs. A lot of thoughts came to him, and he was happy.

The piece of work he was most proud of during his career was the murder mystery “We Are Not Amused,” which he wrote, directed, and starred in as Rod Stirling. In addition to being a friend and a leader, he was the one who brought humor to the building every day. Without him, there would be an enormous hole in the world, and everyone who knew and loved him will long for him. People in Gord’s family, like Rhonda, Parker, and the rest of the family, are in our thoughts and prayers right now. We’re sorry about the loss you’ve had.

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