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Deana Yates Obituary, Death, In Loving Memory Of Deana Yates

Mar 14, 2024
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Deana Yates Obituary, Death – Deana Yates, who was from Henderson, Kentucky and had reached the age of seventy, passed away on March 11, 2024 at St. Vincent Hospital. She was a resident of Kentucky.

She worked in the medical sector for forty-five years, and during her entire life, she devoted herself to attending to the requirements of other individuals throughout that time. The time that she spent working in the yard outside was something that she treasured.

Having the opportunity to spend time with her family was the thing that provided her the most joy. Those who are able to carry on her legacy include Dieter, her husband of twenty years, her daughter Lavadia Taylor Donnie, her grandsons Manual and Daniel Nichols, her granddaughter Miranda Burton, her great-granddaughter Serinity, her great-grandson Waylon, her sister Connie Gamblin David, and her brother Billy. Dieter is also able to carry on her legacy.

Deana Yates, who was from Henderson, Kentucky and had reached the age of seventy, passed away on March 11, 2024 at St. Vincent Hospital. She was a resident of Kentucky.

She worked in the medical sector for forty-five years, and during her entire life, she devoted herself to attending to the requirements of other individuals throughout that time.

The time that she spent working in the yard outside was something that she treasured. Having the opportunity to spend time with her family was the thing that provided her the most joy.

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